Jessica DeMay

How to Reheat Pizza the Right Way - Air Fryer, Oven or Microwave


  • There are several ways to reheat pizza; in a microwave, conventional oven, pizza oven, or even on the stovetop.
  • If you want your leftover pizza to truly taste like new again, use a real pizza oven.
  • Leaving pizza at room temperature for too long or storing it improperly can potentially expose you to food-borne illness. Be sure to practice food safety when saving and reheating leftover pizza.

The question of how to reheat a pizza has plagued pizza lovers for a frustratingly long time. Is it even possible to make day-old pizza taste fresh again? And if so, which technique delivers the best results?

Knowing how to reheat pizza properly gives you the ability to enjoy it like it’s fresh from the oven, even after it’s been sitting in your fridge. Yes, it’s possible to breathe life back into your pizza. There are several ways to do so, from the microwave or conventional oven to a pizza oven or stovetop. But while each technique will indeed reheat your pizza, not all of them can make it taste like it was made fresh out of the oven.

SummaryIt is possible to make your pizza taste like new again. You can reheat pizza using a microwave, conventional oven, pizza oven, or stovetop.

Reheat Pizza in a Pizza Oven

The best way to revive your leftover pizza is to reheat it in either a propane pizza oven or an electric pizza oven. These specially-designed ovens can make leftover pizza taste like new in a matter of minutes. Follow the steps below for the best results:

  1. Heat pizza oven to 525 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Once the oven has reached cooking temperature, place the leftover pizza on the baking stone and heat for 30-45 seconds.
  3. Remove pizza from the oven and enjoy.

While this method will make your pizza taste like new again, it may not be the most convenient method, as it takes a while to heat up your pizza oven.

Things to keep in mind when using a pizza oven to reheat leftover pizza:

  • Because pizza ovens maintain internal temperatures higher than conventional ovens, cooking times are much faster. Keep a close eye on your pizza as it reheats to avoid burning it. 
  • The thicker the crust and the more toppings your leftover pizza has, the longer it will take to reheat.
SummaryA pizza oven can quickly and effectively reheat leftover pizza in under a minute. The drawback to this method is that it takes a while to heat up your oven.

How to Reheat Pizza in the Microwave

Using a microwave to reheat pizza is undeniably the fastest and most convenient option. But microwaved pizza tends to be tougher and sometimes soggier than a slice that was reheated a different way. The reason for this unpleasant texture has to do with the science behind how microwaves work.

Because a microwave cooks food from the inside out, moisture in the pizza, particularly in the sauce, is heated and evaporates. This then essentially steams the pizza and causes it to become soggy.

However, if you’re low on time and desperate to scarf down some leftover pizza, the microwave will definitely help bring your pizza back to life as long as you follow the steps below:

  1. Place a slice of pizza on a microwave-safe plate, then transfer to the microwave.
  2. Place a microwave-safe mug of water next to the plate in the microwave. 
  3. Heat on high for 30 seconds, then check to see if the pizza has been heated through. If necessary, microwave for another 15 seconds.
SummaryUsing a microwave to warm up leftover pizza isn’t likely to make it taste like new, but it will safely and effectively reheat it. If you’re pressed for time, microwave a slice of leftover pizza with a mug of water to prevent your crust from drying out.

How to Reheat Pizza in A Conventional Oven

For reheated pizza that closely resembles both the taste and texture of a freshly-made slice pie, use a conventional oven. This technique is more time-consuming than using a microwave, but it produces far better results.  

To reheat pizza in a conventional oven, follow the steps below:

  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Let your oven preheat completely before placing the pizza inside. 
  2. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil, then place the foil-lined baking sheet in the oven for 3-5 minutes. This step guarantees your pizza will reheat quickly and evenly. 
  3. Place the slices of pizza on the hot, foil-lined baking sheet. Transfer to the oven, then let the pizza bake for 7-10 minutes, depending on how chewy or crispy you want your pizza to be. 

A few things to keep in mind when reheating pizza in a conventional oven:

  • If you are reheating more than one slice of pizza at a time, avoid overcrowding the baking sheet. Leave enough space between slices to allow for even baking.
  • For the best results, use pizza that has been stored in the fridge for no more than 24 hours.
SummaryReheating pizza in a conventional oven produces fantastic results: a crispy crust and warm, gooey toppings. Use a foil-lined baking sheet in a 375-degree oven and enjoy.

How to Reheat Pizza in an Air Fryer

STEP ONE: Preheat your air fryer to 350 degrees.

STEP TWO: Place cold pizza slices in the air fryer basket or oven-style air fryer and cook for 3 to 4 minutes, until the pizza crust is crispy and the cheese is melted and hot.

STEP THREE: Carefully remove the leftover pizza from the air fryer and enjoy! It's that easy using an air fryer!

How to Warm Up Frozen Pizza

Leftover pizza stays fresh for longer when stored in the freezer, but can it still be reheated to taste like new again? Absolutely!

The best way to warm up frozen pizza is on a stovetop in a skillet. Reheating frozen pizza in a skillet makes a significant difference when it comes to texture and taste. To properly warm up a frozen pizza, follow the steps below:

  1. Place a skillet on the stovetop and turn to the heat to medium.
  2. Put a slice of pizza in the skillet crust-side down.
  3. The crust will soften and start to crisp. As soon as you notice the crust starting to get crispy, flip the slice of pizza over.
  4. Heat for 1-2 minutes to allow the toppings to warm up and the cheese to soften and melt. 
  5. Remove the pizza from the heat and enjoy. 

A few things to keep in mind when warming up frozen pizza in a skillet:

  • You can usually tell when the slice of pizza is ready to flip when oil begins to appear in the pan. The oil is fat melting off the crust as the slice warms up. It typically takes 3-5 minutes to get to this point. 
  • Turning the slice of pizza over allows the toppings to warm up and the cheese to melt. But be sure to keep a close eye on the slice to avoid burning it.
SummaryThe best way to warm up frozen pizza is on a stovetop in a skillet. Heat one slice of pizza at a time and heat both sides to ensure the pizza is heated through and the texture resembles a freshly-made pie.

Should You Use A Pizza Stone or Baking Steel to Warm Up Pizza?

If you have a pizza stone or baking steel, you should absolutely use it. Pizza stones and baking steel are specifically designed to give pizza the crispy crust and melty toppings you desire. Place your leftover pizzas directly on the stone or steel and heat for 5-8 minutes in a 450-degree oven. Then enjoy your leftovers just like you did on day one.

How Long Can Pizza Sit Out?

Whether you order from your favorite pizzeria or make your favorite kind of pizza from scratch at home, food safety should always be a top priority. Leaving pizza out of the fridge for too long can expose it to numerous types of food-borne bacteria and create the perfect environment for that bacteria to flourish.

Many pizza lovers mistakenly assume that a pizza is fine to leave out of the fridge for longer when it’s kept in the box it came in. Unfortunately, that cardboard box provides zero protection from bacteria that grow on pizza left to sit at room temperature.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, cooked food, like pizza, shouldn’t sit at room temperature for more than two hours. If it has been sitting at room temperature for longer than two hours, it should be thrown away. This is because bacteria that are known to cause various illnesses breeds the most at temperatures between 40- and 140-degrees Fahrenheit.

But it looks and smells fine, so it’s still good right? – No. Pathogenic bacteria don’t usually change the smells, appearance, or taste of the food they breed on.

If you’re left with uneaten pizza after a meal, either toss it or store it in the fridge within two hours to prevent food-borne illnesses.

SummaryPizza shouldn’t sit at room temperature for longer than two hours. Leaving pizza at room temperature for too long creates a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria: the kind of bacteria that will get you sick.

For How Long is Pizza Good in the Fridge?

Your leftover pizza is safe to eat for up to four days if your fridge is set at 40F or lower. More than four days in the fridge and the risk of getting a good borne illness increases.

How to Store Leftover Pizza

Once you discover that you can effectively reheat pizza, you’ll want to order more than enough so that you can have leftovers to eat later. But with food safety in mind, it’s essential to store your leftover pizza properly so that you can safely enjoy it the second time around.

Rather than shoving the pizza box into your fridge until your next craving hits, transfer it to a covered storage dish. And be sure to lay out the slices in a single layer rather than stacking them. Stacking slices of pizza on top of one another increases the likelihood of bacteria growth. You can then keep your leftover pizza in the fridge for up to six days or in the freezer for three months.

SummaryThe safest way to store leftover pizza is in a single layer in a covered storage dish. Avoid stacking your pizza, and be sure to consume it within six days if it’s stored in the fridge or within three months if it’s stored in the freezer.
Jessica DeMay
Jessica is the lead content creator of Dishcrawl. She has lived in Italy (Napoli) for 7 years and has since become absolutely obsessed with pizza.
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